Our 400-seat state of the art proscenium theater is completely ADA-accessible. It is available for music concerts, plays, dance recitals, corporate presentations, and more. Green rooms and dressing/star rooms are available.
Technical specifications:
- Behringer X32C digital sound console
- 3 camera live streaming system with 2 PTZ cameras. Blackmagic video switcher.
- ETC Element 2 Lighting Console
- RGB LED top light
- Incandescent front light
- RGB LED Cyc lights
- 7 flown electrics over stage for lighting
- 2 catwalks and box boom lighting positions
- 204 lighting dimmer channels with 2.4KW capacity each
- Projector and flyable screen. Remote slide clicker available
- Full set of drapes including red grand drape at proscenium, 4 sets of black legs and borders, a midstage black curtain and a white cyclorama upstage
- 44 lineset fly system with loading and fly galleries. Rope locks at both stage and fly gallery level. Fully accessible grid.
- 2 tab linsets on each side of stage
- Spot block rigging equipment
- Elevated loading dock with access to stage
- Orchestra pit
- 24’x16’ in 4’x8’ sections of removable stage traps
The theater lobby can be rented separately from the theater for large gatherings, with room for approximately 130 people at 60″ round tables.

Our restaurant grade, newly remodeled kitchen is available for rental on non school nights.
Kitchen Features:
- 2 Wolf gas fired ranges and stoves
- Stainless steel countertops
- Large capacity refrigerator
- Pot filler at stoves
- 2 Food warmers
- Hot line
- Exhaust hood
- High capacity dishwasher
- Separate hand washing sink

The library is the perfect space for your small gathering. We can seat 30 classroom style, 50 theater style and up to 60 standing. Full audio/visual capabilities are available.