Donate to Ashbrook

Are you passionate about giving Ashbrook students the chance to “Explore Extraordinary” every year?

We are too! That’s why we’re inviting people like you to join our Fund-a-Need campaign by committing just $25 a month in 2025.

Here’s the impact of your contribution:

  • Educator Professional Development: Your support will help send our dedicated staff to top-tier workshops, including a team trip to Harvard’s Graduate School of Education for training in critical thinking pedagogy. Goal: $25,000

  • Financial Aid: Open doors for academically talented students from diverse backgrounds by helping make an Ashbrook education accessible, regardless of financial circumstances. Goal: $25,000

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Make an Indelible Impact at Ashbrook!

Round up your Donation by $150 and have a Name with a Custom Message engraved on a Theater Seat Plaque! Make sure to click the Box in your Donation form stating you did so!

For information on PTO fundraisers, click here.